Independent Winegrowers Picnic



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The sun gently caresses the rows of vines, a light breeze dances between the leaves, and in the distance, the murmur of joyful conversations mingles with the clinking of glasses... It is in this idyllic setting that we invite you to live a unique experience: the Picnic at the Independent Winegrowers .

For a day, let yourself be carried away by conviviality and sharing. Settle down under the welcoming shade of the trees, unpack your gift basket and savor the moment. With each sip of wine, a little of our passion and our terroir is offered to you.

We will take you to discover our estate, our vines and our know-how. Between tastings, meetings and moments of escape, come celebrate with us the love of wine and beautiful things.

Whether you are an amateur, curious or simply looking for a moment out of time, this picnic is a promise of pleasure and authenticity.

  • Confirmation : Immediate
The formula includes
Barbecues, tables and chairs available. Wines from the estate provided at the table.
Not available
1132 Route De Tours

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