Merci Matthew Jukes !

23 February 2016
23 February 2016

Nouvelle image (5)

Nouvelle image (6)


Considered as the most famous expert in wine and whom articles are daily followed in UK, Matthew Jukes decided to lay the emphasis on our Crémant de Loire Classic for Valentine’s day (Daily Mail, 13th February)

Thank you so much for this laudatory review !

Extrait : “Behind the Label’ – NV Château de l’Aulée, Crémant de Loire, Cuvée Jeanne d’Arc, France (£12.25, Oddbins).  The word Crémant usually refers to sparkling wines made outside of Champagne and they are often less forcefully fizzy.  This wine is as noble and commanding as its namesake with a desperately posh flavour and tiny, persistent bubbles.  It is half the price of an equivalent Champagne and it does exactly the same job with style and effortless grace.”


 The whole article :

Bonne Année 2016 !

5 January 2016
5 January 2016

Nouvelle image

L’oenotourisme c’est quoi ?

9 September 2015
9 September 2015

Tv Tours dans son MagEco de juillet dernier nous met à l’honneur sur l’activité oenotouristique du domaine.



18 June 2015
18 June 2015

Venez nous rejoindre pour les Portes Ouvertes du Domaine ce week-endpo 2015

Oh la Belle Bulle ! (ou comment naissent les bulles)

28 May 2015
28 May 2015

Oh la Belle Bulle !

A découvrir sans tarder, un joli moment de poésie

What about a pic-nic this week-end ?

18 May 2015
18 May 2015

What about a pic-nic this week-end ?

PNVI 2015

Les Bulles de l’Aulée sont sur TV Tours

4 May 2015
4 May 2015

Petit cours sur les appellations en bulles de la région !


24 April 2015
24 April 2015

Venez en voisin nous rendre visite aux Caves Municipales de Cinq Mars la Pile et rencontrer des exposants d’autres régions viticoles.

VINS ET DELICES-modifié 2015


24 April 2015
24 April 2015

Comme tous les Printemps, venez nous retrouver sur le stand P39 au Salon des Vins de Terroir à Seclin
P 39 L'Aulée

Victoria Moore et le Crémant Brut

30 January 2015
30 January 2015

Once again we are pleased  to present you the new article of Victoria Moore about our Crémant Classique.

Thanks again Victoria !

Read the whole article

“Chateau de L’Aulée Crémant de Loire NV, France (Oddbins, £12)
You can now buy champagne for £12 but I can’t imagine why you would bother because, taste-wise, this unaffected, classy wine from the Loire beats them all hands down. Made from chenin blanc, it has some richness, and a rustic, rosy-cheeked honesty but also the polished finish you’d expect given the estate’s connections with Bollinger. 12.5 per cent abv. Victoria Moore”


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